Nimbus Group’s financial targets


Nimbus Group aims to achieve organic annual net sales growth of above 10% over a business cycle. Organic growth defined as FX adjusted excluding acquisitions other than distributors.

EBITA margin

Nimbus Group aims to reach an EBITA margin of 10 percent in the medium term.

Capital structure

Nimbus Group shall not have any long-term financial debt (excluding real estate related debt).

Dividend policy

Nimbus Group’s target is to pay out 30 percent of its net earnings while also taking account of other factors such as financial position, cash flow and growth opportunities.

Why Invest in Nimbus Group?

  1. Strong underlying market with several fundamental drivers.
  2. True house of brands with strong and distinctive brand portfolio.
  3. Attractive opportunities to further improve dealership offering and develop aftermarket services.
  4. Asset light and flexible production platform based on highly variable cost base.
  5. Experienced management team with solid track record.
  6. Excellent organic and acquisitional growth opportunities.