Today, on 29 November 2024, an Extraordinary General Meeting in Nimbus Group AB (publ) (“Nimbus Group” or the “Company”) was held. The general meeting resolved on subsequent approval of the board of directors' resolution to issue new shares. A summary of the resolution follows below. The general meeting was held at the Company’s premises in Gothenburg and by way of postal voting. All resolutions were passed in accordance with the board of directors' proposals as presented in the notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting.
The general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, on a subsequent approval of the board of directors' resolution on 13 November 2024 on a new issue of not more than 21,315,591 shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders, whereby the share capital may increase by not more than SEK 1,184,199.503080. The subscription price amounts to SEK 16.7 for each new share, which at full subscription provides the Company with issue proceeds of approximately SEK 356 million before deduction of issue costs. The record date for receipt of subscription rights is 6 December 2024. Subscription of shares with subscription rights shall be made by cash payment during the subscription period from and including 10 December 2024 up to and including 3 January 2025. Application for subscription of shares without subscription rights shall be made during the same period. For more information on the board of directors' resolution, see the Company's press release published on 13 November 2024.
The general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal, to authorize the Chairman of the Board and the CEO to make minor adjustments of the above resolution, to the extent necessary for the registration of the resolution or otherwise for formal reasons.