CEO. Employed since 2010.
Born: 1962.
Education: M.Sc. in Business and Economics from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
Background: Senior positions with Consilium and Autoliv.
Other current assignments: Chairman of the Board of Sweboat Service AB. Board member of AB Jelac.
Shareholdings in the company: 317,141 shares.
CFO. Employed since 2018.
Born: 1977.
Education: M.Sc. in Business administration from Jönköping International business school, Jönköping University.
Other ongoing assignments: –
Background: Certified Public Accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers AB.
Shareholdings in the company: 74,000 shares.
Commercial Sales Director. Employed: 2024
Education: University of Gothenburg
Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Altus AB, Taiga AB, Range Servant AB
Previous assignments: CEO, Altus AB, Consilium Safety Group AB
Shareholding in the Company: 3,434 shares
CMO. Employed since 2019.
Born: 1970.
Education: Marketing and Business Administration at IHM and Advanced Development Training, London Business School.
Background: Business Development Manager at SKF, marketing communication and product management at Stora Enso.
Other current assignments: Board member of Sweboat Service AB.
Shareholdings in the company: 52,938 shares.